To make sure our website is operating at its best we need to perform regular backups. In the world of technology, we all know the importance of having regular backups for everything. Having a backup of data is fundamental to tech, and your website is no different. Let us get started and see how we can back up our WordPress eLearning course site most efficiently.
When Should You Back Up
There are many ways to create a backup for a WordPress eLearning site. We can do this process manually through your web hosting service. If your web host uses the cPanel dashboard then you can backup the site quite easily through that. Contact your web host inquiring about the backup process details. Alternatively, we can use one of the many plugins WordPress has to make this process much easier and that is the way we are going to go.
What Datasets You Need to Backup
Backing up a website simply put is to take a snapshot of your data in case a change/problem crashes your website. In the event of any mishap, you should always have the ability to restore your website to a previous version. Essentially when we talk about backing up our site what we are backing up. Your WordPress eLearning course site consists of:
- WordPress Core installation
- WordPress plugins
- WordPress themes
- Images and files
- JavaScript, PHP, and other code files
- Additional files and static web pages
These are essential materials to having your site up and running at all times.