1. Making a backup:
The changes being made to your WordPress source code files can break your site if you make a mistake. Hence, always make a backup before you edit any files. In case you make any mistake, you can simply replace the files with your backup.
2. Editing HTML:
Accessing the HTML of your WordPress site is pretty straightforward. If you wish to edit posts on your WordPress site, you can simply access the HTML by switching from the Visual editor to the Text editor. You can make changes and update the post.
3.Editing PHP and CSS:
You can access the PHP and CSS WordPress source code files through the Appearance Editor or by using an FTP client. Inside your WordPress dashboard, you can access the Editor under Appearance.
4. File Transfer Protocol:
You can use a file transfer protocol client to connect to your WordPress server and make changes. FileZilla and Cyberduck are two open-source clients that you can download and install.

WordPress Source Code Files Edited